[updated 4/4/14] To my subscribers

I'm preparing one of my occasional subscriber-only newsletters, and want to note two quick things:

  • If you have signed up for a PayPal subscription, the only e-mail address I have is the PayPal e-mail address you subscribed with. So, check that e-mail address occasionally to make sure you receive my newsletters;
  • If you subscribed by making an Amazon Payments contribution, I have your first and last names but not your e-mail address. So, Thomas C, Carol M, and Neil C, send me an e-mail at freequentflyer@freequentflyerbook.com with the e-mail address you'd like to subscribe with!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

[update 4/4/14: in answer to some questions from readers, I've posted an additional explanation of the newsletter below

Why I don’t advertise my newsletter

After yesterday's friendly reminder to my Amazon Payments subscribers to send me their e-mail addresses (thanks Carol, still waiting to hear from you Thomas and Neil!), I heard from a lot of people who were surprised to hear that I had a newsletter, and asking why I don't advertise it more prominently (or at all).

The reason is that I don’t “sell" access to my newsletter, and I don’t want anyone to think they’re “buying" access to my newsletter. If you don’t think all the content I post on this blog over the course of a month is worth $2, $5, or $10 to support, then you’d have to be crazy to pay that amount for one additional post every now and then. If I sold access to my newsletter, then I’d get all sorts of e-mails from people complaining and asking for their money back because they didn’t get enough value from that month’s newsletter.

If you like this site, believe in what I’m doing, and want to support the site’s continued existence, then subscribe. If you don’t, don’t. But don’t subscribe just for one extra e-mail every month.